Anchor for Customer Data
Stripe\Customer Object ( [id] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [object] => customer [account_balance] => 0 [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => fsdfs [country] => [line1] => fdsfsf [line2] => fsdfs [postal_code] => fsf [state] => fsdf ) [balance] => 0 [created] => 1651335402 [currency] => usd [default_currency] => usd [default_source] => card_1NWR3rCGcNqgfcXjop250dIY [delinquent] => [description] => Submitted through Pledge Form [discount] => [email] => [invoice_prefix] => F3F5F893 [invoice_settings] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [custom_fields] => [default_payment_method] => [footer] => [rendering_options] => ) [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [next_invoice_sequence] => 1 [phone] => [preferred_locales] => Array ( ) [shipping] => [sources] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1NWR3rCGcNqgfcXjop250dIY [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 90210 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => pass [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2030 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike99 Smith99 [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [1] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1NWSJiCGcNqgfcXjGrY47XBp [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 90210 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => pass [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 2 [exp_year] => 2027 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Lisa Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [2] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1NWRGmCGcNqgfcXj2ejXm5aF [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 21212 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => pass [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 3 [exp_year] => 2032 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [3] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1NWRCNCGcNqgfcXj2Lljbt72 [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 67357 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => pass [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 5 [exp_year] => 2029 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => MikeJJ SmithJJ [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [4] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1NWR8mCGcNqgfcXjBK7wm8nu [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 90210 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => pass [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2034 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike333 Smith333 [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [5] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1NWQvzCGcNqgfcXjxLaX6KLL [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 90210 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => pass [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2029 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike2 Smith2 [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [6] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => pass [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 7 [url] => /v1/customers/cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4/sources ) [subscriptions] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/customers/cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4/subscriptions ) [tax_exempt] => none [tax_ids] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/customers/cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4/tax_ids ) [tax_info] => [tax_info_verification] => [test_clock] => )

Customer ID: cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4
Default CC: card_1NWR3rCGcNqgfcXjop250dIY
Name: Mike Smith
Balance: 0
Address 1: fdsfsf
Address 2:fsdfs
City: fsdfs
State: fsdf
Zip: fsf
Created: 1651335402
Card Count: 7
Card 0: card_1NWR3rCGcNqgfcXjop250dIY
Zip: 90210
Name on Card: Mike99 Smith99
Brand: Visa
Last 4: 4242
Expire: 4/2030

Card 1: card_1NWSJiCGcNqgfcXjGrY47XBp
Zip: 90210
Name on Card: Lisa Smith
Brand: Visa
Last 4: 4242
Expire: 2/2027

Card 2: card_1NWRGmCGcNqgfcXj2ejXm5aF
Zip: 21212
Name on Card: Mike Smith
Brand: Visa
Last 4: 4242
Expire: 3/2032

Card 3: card_1NWRCNCGcNqgfcXj2Lljbt72
Zip: 67357
Name on Card: MikeJJ SmithJJ
Brand: Visa
Last 4: 4242
Expire: 5/2029

Card 4: card_1NWR8mCGcNqgfcXjBK7wm8nu
Zip: 90210
Name on Card: Mike333 Smith333
Brand: Visa
Last 4: 4242
Expire: 4/2034

Card 5: card_1NWQvzCGcNqgfcXjxLaX6KLL
Zip: 90210
Name on Card: Mike2 Smith2
Brand: Visa
Last 4: 4242
Expire: 4/2029

Card 6: card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa
Zip: 74037
Name on Card: Mike Smith
Brand: MasterCard
Last 4: 4444
Expire: 1/2024

Payment Intent:
PI Count: 27
Subscription AmountAmount PaidTx DateDescriptor
395 395 2023-03-01 09:24:03 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2023-02-28 17:25:54 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2023-02-01 09:23:00 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2023-01-30 17:26:24 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2023-01-01 09:22:13 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2022-12-30 17:24:29 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2022-12-01 09:20:54 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2022-11-30 17:31:14 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2022-11-01 10:19:15 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2022-10-30 18:23:22 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2022-10-01 14:08:31 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2022-09-30 18:40:43 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2022-09-01 10:19:39 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2022-08-30 18:27:36 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2022-08-01 10:32:43 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2022-07-30 18:25:59 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2022-07-01 11:06:32 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2022-06-30 20:47:52 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2022-06-01 10:27:46 CREATIVE FRIDGE mastercard (4444) 1/2024
995 995 2022-05-30 18:23:22 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
395 395 2022-05-01 09:16:34 CREATIVE FRIDGE visa (4242) 4/2024
895 895 2022-04-30 17:56:22 OBITIBO visa (4242) 4/2024
895 895 2022-04-30 17:44:10 OBITIBO visa (4242) 4/2024
895 895 2022-04-30 17:30:25 OBITIBO visa (4242) 4/2024
995 995 2022-04-30 17:22:35 MANILLI visa (4242) 4/2024
995 995 2022-04-30 14:15:06 MANILLI ENHANCED PLAN visa (4242) 4/2024
995 995 2022-04-30 11:16:43 MANILLI ENHANCED PLAN visa (4242) 4/2024
Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3MgrVfCGcNqgfcXj0CqVIHet [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3MgrVfCGcNqgfcXj0kF9lNEw [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3MgrVfCGcNqgfcXj0sXCOSIH [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1677684244 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0027 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 42 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3MgrVfCGcNqgfcXj0CqVIHet [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3MgrVfCGcNqgfcXj0kF9lNEw/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3MgrVfCGcNqgfcXj0CqVIHet ) [client_secret] => pi_3MgrVfCGcNqgfcXj0CqVIHet_secret_DUCsCtTgYBd2B6i1tzZ8iA38F [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1677684243 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0027 [invoice] => in_1MgqWqCGcNqgfcXjLz6bf9hf [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3MgrVfCGcNqgfcXj0kF9lNEw [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [1] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3MgcYQCGcNqgfcXj0gjFRyjG [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3MgcYQCGcNqgfcXj0CfH0QWw [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3MgcYQCGcNqgfcXj0FLECOeE [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1677626755 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0026 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 18 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3MgcYQCGcNqgfcXj0gjFRyjG [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3MgcYQCGcNqgfcXj0CfH0QWw/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3MgcYQCGcNqgfcXj0gjFRyjG ) [client_secret] => pi_3MgcYQCGcNqgfcXj0gjFRyjG_secret_jtsP7FxG1ndk34ialMFnM2jBr [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1677626754 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0026 [invoice] => in_1MgbbPCGcNqgfcXjMkv6eYnc [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3MgcYQCGcNqgfcXj0CfH0QWw [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [2] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3MWi9ICGcNqgfcXj1fSaoF6M [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3MWi9ICGcNqgfcXj1ydHIMo2 [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3MWi9ICGcNqgfcXj10roPwJb [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1675264981 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0025 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 21 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3MWi9ICGcNqgfcXj1fSaoF6M [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3MWi9ICGcNqgfcXj1ydHIMo2/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3MWi9ICGcNqgfcXj1fSaoF6M ) [client_secret] => pi_3MWi9ICGcNqgfcXj1fSaoF6M_secret_Fz1eOJmRuVxMGfauNpa6Yjgu7 [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1675264980 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0025 [invoice] => in_1MWhBBCGcNqgfcXjRooj5RoA [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3MWi9ICGcNqgfcXj1ydHIMo2 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [3] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3MW6k0CGcNqgfcXj0TRmhhQ8 [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3MW6k0CGcNqgfcXj0Qx0MP3W [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3MW6k0CGcNqgfcXj0tP18okK [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1675121184 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0024 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 21 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3MW6k0CGcNqgfcXj0TRmhhQ8 [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3MW6k0CGcNqgfcXj0Qx0MP3W/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3MW6k0CGcNqgfcXj0TRmhhQ8 ) [client_secret] => pi_3MW6k0CGcNqgfcXj0TRmhhQ8_secret_KmW5mGxzpYS6N2am04hWE7zvt [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1675121184 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0024 [invoice] => in_1MW5lwCGcNqgfcXjnYtEid9p [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3MW6k0CGcNqgfcXj0Qx0MP3W [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [4] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3MLTMXCGcNqgfcXj04SIWOa1 [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3MLTMXCGcNqgfcXj0LZyw1is [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3MLTMXCGcNqgfcXj0fKM97xy [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1672587035 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0023 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 38 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3MLTMXCGcNqgfcXj04SIWOa1 [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3MLTMXCGcNqgfcXj0LZyw1is/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3MLTMXCGcNqgfcXj04SIWOa1 ) [client_secret] => pi_3MLTMXCGcNqgfcXj04SIWOa1_secret_Jfrm2kkOPM4pfArz8xCwGXy5I [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1672586533 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0023 [invoice] => in_1MLSPKCGcNqgfcXjkge6GXEj [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3MLTMXCGcNqgfcXj0LZyw1is [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [5] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3MKrw9CGcNqgfcXj03xCPSmm [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3MKrw9CGcNqgfcXj0DF3vEyo [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3MKrw9CGcNqgfcXj0bnZPUzV [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1672442670 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0022 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 31 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3MKrw9CGcNqgfcXj03xCPSmm [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3MKrw9CGcNqgfcXj0DF3vEyo/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3MKrw9CGcNqgfcXj03xCPSmm ) [client_secret] => pi_3MKrw9CGcNqgfcXj03xCPSmm_secret_FepLTQuPEYQGudM5t5FiRRcnA [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1672442669 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0022 [invoice] => in_1MKqzXCGcNqgfcXj2eoT72EV [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3MKrw9CGcNqgfcXj0DF3vEyo [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [6] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3MAEZGCGcNqgfcXj1KtWrTT8 [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3MAEZGCGcNqgfcXj1QrNYA4s [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3MAEZGCGcNqgfcXj1KbElpYI [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1669908055 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0021 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 16 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3MAEZGCGcNqgfcXj1KtWrTT8 [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3MAEZGCGcNqgfcXj1QrNYA4s/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3MAEZGCGcNqgfcXj1KtWrTT8 ) [client_secret] => pi_3MAEZGCGcNqgfcXj1KtWrTT8_secret_I0sCQeFQ87MdBOo8IfaxiC9Kn [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1669908054 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0021 [invoice] => in_1MADZICGcNqgfcXjgQ9FiG0r [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3MAEZGCGcNqgfcXj1QrNYA4s [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [7] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3M9zkECGcNqgfcXj0Kpcwl6i [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3M9zkECGcNqgfcXj04D1IyjN [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3M9zkECGcNqgfcXj0hYu1Utu [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1669851075 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0020 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 24 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3M9zkECGcNqgfcXj0Kpcwl6i [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3M9zkECGcNqgfcXj04D1IyjN/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3M9zkECGcNqgfcXj0Kpcwl6i ) [client_secret] => pi_3M9zkECGcNqgfcXj0Kpcwl6i_secret_iMTCJsjTvSVY3liNxwj1AoXFq [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1669851074 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0020 [invoice] => in_1M9yhzCGcNqgfcXjgyPtDTvG [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3M9zkECGcNqgfcXj04D1IyjN [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [8] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LzMFDCGcNqgfcXj1y3w5DRw [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LzMFDCGcNqgfcXj1InRZS6j [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LzMFDCGcNqgfcXj1NTaeB4v [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1667315955 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0019 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 20 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LzMFDCGcNqgfcXj1y3w5DRw [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LzMFDCGcNqgfcXj1InRZS6j/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LzMFDCGcNqgfcXj1y3w5DRw ) [client_secret] => pi_3LzMFDCGcNqgfcXj1y3w5DRw_secret_YBzyVGVXf9ON8eRZvw8IlGH6s [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1667315955 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0019 [invoice] => in_1LzLIqCGcNqgfcXjtKUiMSu8 [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LzMFDCGcNqgfcXj1InRZS6j [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [9] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LykqcCGcNqgfcXj07o73tyY [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LykqcCGcNqgfcXj03u8RpTZ [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LykqcCGcNqgfcXj0yzdP4J4 [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1667172203 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0018 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 63 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LykqcCGcNqgfcXj07o73tyY [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LykqcCGcNqgfcXj03u8RpTZ/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LykqcCGcNqgfcXj07o73tyY ) [client_secret] => pi_3LykqcCGcNqgfcXj07o73tyY_secret_rjOU74V2gI4mXO7gk9k91Ksnv [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1667172202 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0018 [invoice] => in_1LyjuICGcNqgfcXj5t8jF6Q9 [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LykqcCGcNqgfcXj03u8RpTZ [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [10] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LoB35CGcNqgfcXj03BVCvMx [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LoB35CGcNqgfcXj01cDIQEJ [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LoB35CGcNqgfcXj0UY5V5HV [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1664651312 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0017 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 61 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LoB35CGcNqgfcXj03BVCvMx [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LoB35CGcNqgfcXj01cDIQEJ/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LoB35CGcNqgfcXj03BVCvMx ) [client_secret] => pi_3LoB35CGcNqgfcXj03BVCvMx_secret_W780I0NHTQw4Aan7YDEsABZy2 [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1664651311 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0017 [invoice] => in_1Lo6XcCGcNqgfcXjts3z9Vay [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LoB35CGcNqgfcXj01cDIQEJ [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [11] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LnsoxCGcNqgfcXj0N4hjyha [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LnsoxCGcNqgfcXj0cQVMY3a [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LnsoxCGcNqgfcXj0lx2QPnp [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1664581244 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0016 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 11 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LnsoxCGcNqgfcXj0N4hjyha [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LnsoxCGcNqgfcXj0cQVMY3a/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LnsoxCGcNqgfcXj0N4hjyha ) [client_secret] => pi_3LnsoxCGcNqgfcXj0N4hjyha_secret_laYX6PXsutdgeyWLS7aAZydWl [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1664581243 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0016 [invoice] => in_1LnrelCGcNqgfcXjxUBs922q [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LnsoxCGcNqgfcXj0cQVMY3a [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [12] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LdFB9CGcNqgfcXj1J6WBlRu [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LdFB9CGcNqgfcXj1KslfsCm [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LdFB9CGcNqgfcXj1xMlpJbU [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1662045580 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0015 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 40 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LdFB9CGcNqgfcXj1J6WBlRu [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LdFB9CGcNqgfcXj1KslfsCm/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LdFB9CGcNqgfcXj1J6WBlRu ) [client_secret] => pi_3LdFB9CGcNqgfcXj1J6WBlRu_secret_0j79v2LrP92NBzLLwkAv0nVJJ [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1662045579 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0015 [invoice] => in_1LdECqCGcNqgfcXjujbcoXFE [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LdFB9CGcNqgfcXj1KslfsCm [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [13] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LcdqGCGcNqgfcXj0Vq8dXMk [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LcdqGCGcNqgfcXj0PbWaWSZ [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LcdqGCGcNqgfcXj0crzizVQ [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1661902057 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0014 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 59 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LcdqGCGcNqgfcXj0Vq8dXMk [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LcdqGCGcNqgfcXj0PbWaWSZ/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LcdqGCGcNqgfcXj0Vq8dXMk ) [client_secret] => pi_3LcdqGCGcNqgfcXj0Vq8dXMk_secret_q7sGL0v9IbvkkOyOK2QLDlBgI [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1661902056 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0014 [invoice] => in_1Lccq6CGcNqgfcXj7WWJtQtF [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LcdqGCGcNqgfcXj0PbWaWSZ [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [14] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LS0bnCGcNqgfcXj1yhCF9sK [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LS0bnCGcNqgfcXj1HxWBxLS [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LS0bnCGcNqgfcXj1ktI6XwQ [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1659367964 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0013 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 18 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LS0bnCGcNqgfcXj1yhCF9sK [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LS0bnCGcNqgfcXj1HxWBxLS/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LS0bnCGcNqgfcXj1yhCF9sK ) [client_secret] => pi_3LS0bnCGcNqgfcXj1yhCF9sK_secret_WAvaOafiibrKGd3Wp5LsE1c7H [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1659367963 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0013 [invoice] => in_1LRzRGCGcNqgfcXjKH95Aeq2 [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LS0bnCGcNqgfcXj1HxWBxLS [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [15] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LRP2hCGcNqgfcXj1vUPlWHr [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LRP2hCGcNqgfcXj12X5ySwl [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LRP2hCGcNqgfcXj1qJiUoIA [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1659223559 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0012 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 23 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LRP2hCGcNqgfcXj1vUPlWHr [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LRP2hCGcNqgfcXj12X5ySwl/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LRP2hCGcNqgfcXj1vUPlWHr ) [client_secret] => pi_3LRP2hCGcNqgfcXj1vUPlWHr_secret_d3Y910Mtp0Hx1ZaRD6M1lVAwc [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1659223559 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0012 [invoice] => in_1LRO5eCGcNqgfcXj8utDcGGx [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LRP2hCGcNqgfcXj12X5ySwl [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [16] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LGmMWCGcNqgfcXj09mVIdhr [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LGmMWCGcNqgfcXj0MJ0iUCf [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LGmMWCGcNqgfcXj0vq8Gn7S [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1656691593 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0011 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 21 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LGmMWCGcNqgfcXj09mVIdhr [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LGmMWCGcNqgfcXj0MJ0iUCf/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LGmMWCGcNqgfcXj09mVIdhr ) [client_secret] => pi_3LGmMWCGcNqgfcXj09mVIdhr_secret_7HYRfPcGJ5OsSrgqHFuYCUwM6 [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1656691592 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0011 [invoice] => in_1LGkeqCGcNqgfcXjTHvH4BF4 [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LGmMWCGcNqgfcXj0MJ0iUCf [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [17] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3LGYxYCGcNqgfcXj1beapADR [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3LGYxYCGcNqgfcXj1fgK5NRj [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3LGYxYCGcNqgfcXj16hL0K3y [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1656640073 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0010 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 39 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3LGYxYCGcNqgfcXj1beapADR [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3LGYxYCGcNqgfcXj1fgK5NRj/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3LGYxYCGcNqgfcXj1beapADR ) [client_secret] => pi_3LGYxYCGcNqgfcXj1beapADR_secret_erPAwfgNZ83c5z6cmPu9tB7Zi [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1656640072 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0010 [invoice] => in_1LGVohCGcNqgfcXjpLmRyI4T [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3LGYxYCGcNqgfcXj1fgK5NRj [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [18] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3L5tSYCGcNqgfcXj119m9uul [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3L5tSYCGcNqgfcXj13u3xHkn [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3L5tSYCGcNqgfcXj1ydm44rp [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1654097268 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0009 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 48 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3L5tSYCGcNqgfcXj119m9uul [payment_method] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4444 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => mastercard [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3L5tSYCGcNqgfcXj13u3xHkn/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => US [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => MasterCard [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [last4] => 4444 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => Mike Smith [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3L5tSYCGcNqgfcXj119m9uul ) [client_secret] => pi_3L5tSYCGcNqgfcXj119m9uul_secret_czjUgx0de70yz6nkwEP3CZynH [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1654097266 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0009 [invoice] => in_1L5sMQCGcNqgfcXjQGOKcxZG [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3L5tSYCGcNqgfcXj13u3xHkn [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [19] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3L5HviCGcNqgfcXj0bC8DeJE [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3L5HviCGcNqgfcXj0J2TPVaA [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3L5HviCGcNqgfcXj0YGLUh45 [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1653953003 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0008 [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 36 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3L5HviCGcNqgfcXj0bC8DeJE [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3L5HviCGcNqgfcXj0J2TPVaA/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3L5HviCGcNqgfcXj0bC8DeJE ) [client_secret] => pi_3L5HviCGcNqgfcXj0bC8DeJE_secret_JzgXZs120EZrijtkqynsv4CxP [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1653953002 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Invoice F3F5F893-0008 [invoice] => in_1L5GzBCGcNqgfcXjzJCSJo28 [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3L5HviCGcNqgfcXj0J2TPVaA [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [20] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3KudZeCGcNqgfcXj0Ae3wIgG [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 395 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 395 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3KudZeCGcNqgfcXj03NPRhly [object] => charge [amount] => 395 [amount_captured] => 395 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3KudZeCGcNqgfcXj0unor7W5 [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsddf fsdfs [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => CREATIVE FRIDGE [captured] => 1 [created] => 1651414595 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 52 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3KudZeCGcNqgfcXj0Ae3wIgG [payment_method] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 395 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 395 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3KudZeCGcNqgfcXj03NPRhly/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => pass [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsddf fsdfs [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3KudZeCGcNqgfcXj0Ae3wIgG ) [client_secret] => pi_3KudZeCGcNqgfcXj0Ae3wIgG_secret_kZeKHZX9qTCGg9F1sfTtD4K1p [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1651414594 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [invoice] => in_1KudZeCGcNqgfcXjvaR4HzSd [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3KudZeCGcNqgfcXj03NPRhly [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => off_session [shipping] => [source] => card_1KudZXCGcNqgfcXjHK7LHikf [statement_descriptor] => Creative Fridge [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [21] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3KuPD8CGcNqgfcXj0zaWrSiL [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 895 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 895 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3KuPD8CGcNqgfcXj00LLz9Y9 [object] => charge [amount] => 895 [amount_captured] => 895 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3KuPD8CGcNqgfcXj0AXgk984 [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => fsdf fsdf [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => OBITIBO [captured] => 1 [created] => 1651359382 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 27 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3KuPD8CGcNqgfcXj0zaWrSiL [payment_method] => card_1KuPD1CGcNqgfcXjVShLkuEn [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 895 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 895 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3KuPD8CGcNqgfcXj00LLz9Y9/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => Stripe\Card Object ( [id] => card_1KuPD1CGcNqgfcXjVShLkuEn [object] => card [address_city] => [address_country] => [address_line1] => [address_line1_check] => [address_line2] => [address_state] => [address_zip] => 74037 [address_zip_check] => pass [brand] => Visa [country] => US [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [cvc_check] => pass [dynamic_last4] => [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [last4] => 4242 [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [name] => fsdf fsdf [tokenization_method] => [wallet] => ) [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Obitibo [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3KuPD8CGcNqgfcXj0zaWrSiL ) [client_secret] => pi_3KuPD8CGcNqgfcXj0zaWrSiL_secret_n1IcAxxUv8Xm53a76Per3bwPq [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1651359382 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [invoice] => in_1KuPD7CGcNqgfcXjaAzUW0Q1 [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3KuPD8CGcNqgfcXj00LLz9Y9 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => off_session [shipping] => [source] => card_1KuPD1CGcNqgfcXjVShLkuEn [statement_descriptor] => Obitibo [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [22] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3KuP1KCGcNqgfcXj0ZGnoo30 [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 895 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 895 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3KuP1KCGcNqgfcXj0hbQQzlf [object] => charge [amount] => 895 [amount_captured] => 895 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3KuP1KCGcNqgfcXj0i4qMWpX [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => OBITIBO [captured] => 1 [created] => 1651358651 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 45 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3KuP1KCGcNqgfcXj0ZGnoo30 [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 895 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 895 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3KuP1KCGcNqgfcXj0hbQQzlf/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Obitibo [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3KuP1KCGcNqgfcXj0ZGnoo30 ) [client_secret] => pi_3KuP1KCGcNqgfcXj0ZGnoo30_secret_faUfuK4to7R1DHMr7fJos7m9Z [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1651358650 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [invoice] => in_1KuP1KCGcNqgfcXjCsnxRIPs [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3KuP1KCGcNqgfcXj0hbQQzlf [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => off_session [shipping] => [source] => [statement_descriptor] => Obitibo [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [23] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3KuOo1CGcNqgfcXj0NQCAFbT [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 895 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 895 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3KuOo1CGcNqgfcXj0EZmbVD2 [object] => charge [amount] => 895 [amount_captured] => 895 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3KuOo1CGcNqgfcXj0eQzfmSE [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => OBITIBO [captured] => 1 [created] => 1651357826 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 56 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3KuOo1CGcNqgfcXj0NQCAFbT [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 895 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 895 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3KuOo1CGcNqgfcXj0EZmbVD2/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Obitibo [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3KuOo1CGcNqgfcXj0NQCAFbT ) [client_secret] => pi_3KuOo1CGcNqgfcXj0NQCAFbT_secret_YHV0kt4sSPygvtUCEzxLi0Bjw [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1651357825 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [invoice] => in_1KuOo1CGcNqgfcXjDGTgMHUu [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3KuOo1CGcNqgfcXj0EZmbVD2 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => off_session [shipping] => [source] => [statement_descriptor] => Obitibo [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [24] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3KuOgRCGcNqgfcXj1oXlTrnX [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3KuOgRCGcNqgfcXj18ux62rx [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3KuOgRCGcNqgfcXj1rttenqW [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI [captured] => 1 [created] => 1651357356 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 16 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3KuOgRCGcNqgfcXj1oXlTrnX [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3KuOgRCGcNqgfcXj18ux62rx/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3KuOgRCGcNqgfcXj1oXlTrnX ) [client_secret] => pi_3KuOgRCGcNqgfcXj1oXlTrnX_secret_HJ1jpXqfas7NXU6gfJR2L5FmU [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1651357355 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [invoice] => in_1KuOgRCGcNqgfcXjLd3KNAbH [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3KuOgRCGcNqgfcXj18ux62rx [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => off_session [shipping] => [source] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [25] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3KuLl0CGcNqgfcXj0zTejb8p [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3KuLl0CGcNqgfcXj0tAKoMhD [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3KuLl0CGcNqgfcXj0Q2JyDI6 [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI ENHANCED PLAN [captured] => 1 [created] => 1651346107 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 24 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3KuLl0CGcNqgfcXj0zTejb8p [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3KuLl0CGcNqgfcXj0tAKoMhD/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli Enhanced Plan [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3KuLl0CGcNqgfcXj0zTejb8p ) [client_secret] => pi_3KuLl0CGcNqgfcXj0zTejb8p_secret_OsI7za8gjX9tOS2RW2UkiIHpD [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1651346106 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [invoice] => in_1KuLl0CGcNqgfcXjsVDKCrrZ [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3KuLl0CGcNqgfcXj0tAKoMhD [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => off_session [shipping] => [source] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli Enhanced Plan [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) [26] => Stripe\PaymentIntent Object ( [id] => pi_3KuIyNCGcNqgfcXj1sH1piSo [object] => payment_intent [allowed_source_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [amount] => 995 [amount_capturable] => 0 [amount_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [tip] => Array ( ) ) [amount_received] => 995 [application] => [application_fee_amount] => [automatic_payment_methods] => [canceled_at] => [cancellation_reason] => [capture_method] => automatic [charges] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\Charge Object ( [id] => ch_3KuIyNCGcNqgfcXj1yMrUrIb [object] => charge [amount] => 995 [amount_captured] => 995 [amount_refunded] => 0 [application] => [application_fee] => [application_fee_amount] => [balance_transaction] => txn_3KuIyNCGcNqgfcXj1N9irBlD [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => [phone] => ) [calculated_statement_descriptor] => MANILLI ENHANCED PLAN [captured] => 1 [created] => 1651335404 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [destination] => [dispute] => [disputed] => [failure_balance_transaction] => [failure_code] => [failure_message] => [fraud_details] => Array ( ) [invoice] => [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [on_behalf_of] => [order] => [outcome] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [network_status] => approved_by_network [reason] => [risk_level] => normal [risk_score] => 6 [seller_message] => Payment complete. [type] => authorized ) [paid] => 1 [payment_intent] => pi_3KuIyNCGcNqgfcXj1sH1piSo [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [amount_authorized] => 995 [authorization_code] => [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2024 [extended_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => disabled ) [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [incremental_authorization] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [installments] => [last4] => 4242 [mandate] => [multicapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [status] => unavailable ) [network] => visa [network_token] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [used] => ) [overcapture] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [maximum_amount_capturable] => 995 [status] => unavailable ) [three_d_secure] => [wallet] => ) [type] => card ) [receipt_email] => [receipt_number] => [receipt_url] => [refunded] => [refunds] => Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 0 [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3KuIyNCGcNqgfcXj1yMrUrIb/refunds ) [review] => [shipping] => [source] => [source_transfer] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli Enhanced Plan [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [total_count] => 1 [url] => /v1/charges?payment_intent=pi_3KuIyNCGcNqgfcXj1sH1piSo ) [client_secret] => pi_3KuIyNCGcNqgfcXj1sH1piSo_secret_qpAbCbjSSSRXbFBuZSAYqHPm1 [confirmation_method] => automatic [created] => 1651335403 [currency] => usd [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [description] => Subscription creation [invoice] => in_1KuIyNCGcNqgfcXja0Va1WQM [last_payment_error] => [latest_charge] => ch_3KuIyNCGcNqgfcXj1yMrUrIb [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [next_action] => [next_source_action] => [on_behalf_of] => [payment_method] => pm_1KuIyHCGcNqgfcXjIh89AUJK [payment_method_configuration_details] => [payment_method_options] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [installments] => [mandate_options] => [network] => [request_three_d_secure] => automatic ) ) [payment_method_types] => Array ( [0] => card ) [processing] => [receipt_email] => [review] => [setup_future_usage] => off_session [shipping] => [source] => [statement_descriptor] => Manilli Enhanced Plan [statement_descriptor_suffix] => [status] => succeeded [transfer_data] => [transfer_group] => ) ) [has_more] => [url] => /v1/payment_intents )

Payment Method:
Count of PM: 7

Card ID: card_1NWSJiCGcNqgfcXjGrY47XBp
Last 4 Digits: 4242
Type: visa
Expiration: 2/2027
Name: Lisa Smith
Zip: 90210
Date Added : 2023-07-21 18:00:58

Card ID: card_1NWRGmCGcNqgfcXj2ejXm5aF
Last 4 Digits: 4242
Type: visa
Expiration: 3/2032
Name: Mike Smith
Zip: 21212
Date Added : 2023-07-21 16:53:52

Card ID: card_1NWRCNCGcNqgfcXj2Lljbt72
Last 4 Digits: 4242
Type: visa
Expiration: 5/2029
Name: MikeJJ SmithJJ
Zip: 67357
Date Added : 2023-07-21 16:49:19

Card ID: card_1NWR8mCGcNqgfcXjBK7wm8nu
Last 4 Digits: 4242
Type: visa
Expiration: 4/2034
Name: Mike333 Smith333
Zip: 90210
Date Added : 2023-07-21 16:45:36

Card ID: card_1NWR3rCGcNqgfcXjop250dIY
Last 4 Digits: 4242
Type: visa
Expiration: 4/2030
Name: Mike99 Smith99
Zip: 90210
Date Added : 2023-07-21 16:40:31

Card ID: card_1NWQvzCGcNqgfcXjxLaX6KLL
Last 4 Digits: 4242
Type: visa
Expiration: 4/2029
Name: Mike2 Smith2
Zip: 90210
Date Added : 2023-07-21 16:32:23

Card ID: card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa
Last 4 Digits: 4444
Type: mastercard
Expiration: 1/2024
Name: Mike Smith
Zip: 74037
Date Added : 2022-05-01 12:30:32

Anchor for Payment Methods
Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWSJiCGcNqgfcXjGrY47XBp [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 90210 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Lisa Smith [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 2 [exp_year] => 2027 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689980458 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [1] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWRGmCGcNqgfcXj2ejXm5aF [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 21212 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 3 [exp_year] => 2032 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689976432 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [2] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWRCNCGcNqgfcXj2Lljbt72 [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 67357 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => MikeJJ SmithJJ [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 5 [exp_year] => 2029 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689976159 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [3] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWR8mCGcNqgfcXjBK7wm8nu [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 90210 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike333 Smith333 [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2034 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689975936 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [4] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWR3rCGcNqgfcXjop250dIY [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 90210 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike99 Smith99 [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2030 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689975631 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [5] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWQvzCGcNqgfcXjxLaX6KLL [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 90210 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike2 Smith2 [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2029 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689975143 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [6] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => mastercard [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4444 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => mastercard ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1651426232 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) ) [has_more] => [url] => /v1/customers/cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4/payment_methods )

What's This?Count Subs: 0

DuePaidRemainingStatusTx DateDescriptionEmailPeriod

Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [url] => /v1/invoices )

Customer Information
Name: Mike Smith
inside: price_1KuO8UCGcNqgfcXjg6dBBxvO / cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4
Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [url] => /v1/subscriptions ) inside: price_1KuOCxCGcNqgfcXjD9CGM8Zs / cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4
Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [url] => /v1/subscriptions ) inside: price_1KuO1eCGcNqgfcXjLYR4YTu5 / cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4
Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( ) [has_more] => [url] => /v1/subscriptions )
Manilli Monthly SubscriptionSubscribe NowManilli
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Stripe\Collection Object ( [object] => list [data] => Array ( [0] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWSJiCGcNqgfcXjGrY47XBp [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 90210 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Lisa Smith [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 2 [exp_year] => 2027 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689980458 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [1] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWRGmCGcNqgfcXj2ejXm5aF [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 21212 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 3 [exp_year] => 2032 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689976432 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [2] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWRCNCGcNqgfcXj2Lljbt72 [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 67357 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => MikeJJ SmithJJ [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 5 [exp_year] => 2029 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689976159 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [3] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWR8mCGcNqgfcXjBK7wm8nu [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 90210 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike333 Smith333 [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2034 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689975936 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [4] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWR3rCGcNqgfcXjop250dIY [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 90210 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike99 Smith99 [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2030 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689975631 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [5] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1NWQvzCGcNqgfcXjxLaX6KLL [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 90210 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike2 Smith2 [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => visa [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => visa [exp_month] => 4 [exp_year] => 2029 [fingerprint] => 8pPY3FhUJSTsxH8R [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4242 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => visa ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1689975143 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) [6] => Stripe\PaymentMethod Object ( [id] => card_1KugbMCGcNqgfcXjtimy5eoa [object] => payment_method [billing_details] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [city] => [country] => US [line1] => [line2] => [postal_code] => 74037 [state] => ) [email] => [name] => Mike Smith [phone] => ) [card] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [brand] => mastercard [checks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [address_line1_check] => [address_postal_code_check] => pass [cvc_check] => pass ) [country] => US [display_brand] => mastercard [exp_month] => 1 [exp_year] => 2024 [fingerprint] => XgHuoICU0uQg0hpb [funding] => credit [generated_from] => [last4] => 4444 [networks] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [available] => Array ( [0] => mastercard ) [preferred] => ) [three_d_secure_usage] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( [supported] => 1 ) [wallet] => ) [created] => 1651426232 [customer] => cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4 [livemode] => [metadata] => Stripe\StripeObject Object ( ) [type] => card ) ) [has_more] => [url] => /v1/customers/cus_LbW0mLkePfcVa4/payment_methods )
Payment Methods
Last 4 Digits